It’s not so difficult to be an original developer today. Attracting the attention of militants’ lovers is even easier. It is enough to raise a faded and forgotten trend from the ruins of being, sensibly process it – and it’s about the hat. Poles from Flying Wild Hog They did just that. They remembered that once the “meat” shooters, which we called the “spinal”, were extremely popular. Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem 3D – these “old men” are still loved by naphthalin and last millennium. Of the more recent examples I want to mention Painkiller, Serious Sam and, of course, BulletStorm. And if Epic Games For a couple with PEOPLE Can Fly tried to somehow flirt with the general production of brutal spectacles, filling them with their creative statements
, then former employees of the same PEOPLE Can Fly, And also City Interactive And CD Projekt Red From the very beginning, they set a goal to create a classic meat grinder with a minimum of fresh ideas and a long -proven gameplay.
A special case
The most amazing thing for us and pleasant for the developers is that Hard Reset I don’t want to scold it at all. Although the reasons for this is a dime a dozen. A player brought up on modern militants with shelters, the local mechanic may well surprise. We go on a beautifully furnished with barrels, boxes, stairs and containers map. After that, all departure paths overlap exactly until the moment when only the main character remains in the arena ..
But where are our manners? I should first tell about the world Hard Reset. How you convinced by modestly shot and painstakingly selected pictures on this page, we have the case with a game that has a cyberpunk-fraud for everywhere. That is how – diminutive and almost affectionate. Because beautiful signs with advertising of elite prostitutes, neon lights of all conceivable colors of the palettes of the artist, ubiquitous rain and voice ads on the streets (“Report the crimes – and get awards!») Work properly to create an appropriate atmosphere. But behind the external jewelry, nothing deeply philosophical or just forcing to think is not. Instead of harsh cyberpunk decorations, salons and wooden houses on the western backstings could be placed-admirers of strong storystores would not even notice.
Locations Hard Reset You perceive any card from some Unreal Tournament 3-just a set of walls, doors with automatic locks and enemies and enemies. Well, no one expected revelations from the classic “meat” shooter, although I wanted. True, the design itself really delights. Here we observe, with permission to say, an extremely correct cyberpunk. You believe the city right away, although, of course, you can’t chat with anyone here and you won’t crawl around the ventilation mines in search of evidence, like in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
The ’90s Strike Back!
Because of the gameplay Hard Reset Almost everything is excusable. There is no depth in it Deus Ex Or Bulletstorm madness. Only a clamped gashlet, a mishmash of paints and encouraging quick musical compositions on the background – that is why you will run this game. The developers all these neon signs in the rain and the presence of megacorporations in the plot were needed only for the surroundings of the “high -speed” tyir with special effects. And he is magnificent.
All the best, so you remember the cult shooters of the 90s, is present here. Let’s start with the fact that in Hard Reset Health is not restored automatically. Got on the head – look for “first -aid kits”. Here, their function is performed by green capsules, which are either carefully laid out by gamemeemes in the most prominent places, or fall out of small portions of enemies.
More than a personCyberpunk and implants – inseparable things. Hard Reset, Fortunately, “competent” in this matter. In those very terminals for the purchase of upgrades for weapons, you can be touched by special chips-modifiers of the human body. Among the useful there are implants of increasing the resistance of damage, increasing general protection or health level, pumping “pockets” in which more ammunition can be worn.
Further, according to the list of nostalgic signs, there is a general set of actions that will have to be performed in between shootings. Levers that pull, remember? And the buttons of the power outage on which they poke a fist? Or small toggle switches in elevators? Well, how can such an interactive phenomenon can do without valves, which overlap the course of an ignited liquefied gas from damaged pipes? Be sure, during the passage to pull, press and twirl often.
Nobody forgot about the search for secrets at the levels either. The bonuses are well hidden, so for connoisseurs of the classics their search will turn into an additional joy. At the end of each level, the game will courtly remind you how successfully you coped with the task.
Well, now the shooting itself. Firstly, friends, forget about reloading-all the cool guys scorch from large guns until the ammunition is completely exhausted. Secondly, no matter how cool your fighting girlfriend is in her hands (iron and with a trigger which), she will still cease to cope with the growing requests of the protagonist over time. IN Hard Reset There is a good upgrade system. Initially, we will have only two weapons – a machine gun with a hypertension and a plasma rifle. But they can be modified in special robotic terminals.
Other arsenal – quite rich. Here you are a grenade launcher, and a massive electric shock, and the contraption, which allows you to play with bots in the mini-game “Fro!»Within a few seconds. There is even an analogue of Railgun. The “rail” can rightfully be considered the most powerful and effective weapon, although for a pack of small enemies it is sometimes more efficient to use weapons of mass destruction – such as electric shockers with a large zone of defeat.
Shoot, don’t regret itEnemies in the game are classic strict-like hazelnut drones who are used to crushing mass. At first, you will have to get out with only small creatures. Later, walking bombs will appear, who like to explode in the immediate vicinity of the hero, evil mini-vertebrates (fly low), painfully beating with blades, and closer to the middle you will meet the “heavy artillery”. Such enemies are struck strongly, shoot missiles and for a long time, painfully destroyed. Well, this is not yet a magical “rail” in your hands.
And don’t forget about the environment! It is moderately interactive here. The Havok physical engine is responsible for flights and somersaults with boxes – and this is felt from the first seconds. In battle, you can use electrical panels with instruments and randomly placed huge transistors (cylinders, barrels with electric shows – we ourselves do not know what it is). You’ll spill the fireworks from the deadly sparks in a radius of several meters, “sucking” to everything that the conductors contains. An extremely effective measure, if the number of cartridges is limited, and enemies are darkness. About the appointment of classic barrels with fuel, we think, we should not talk. As you know, they also found a place.
And again about global conspiracies
Unconvincing Hard Reset The plot looks (although it is only for the background, but still). One gets the impression that you are watching a cheap Japanese anime about megacorporations, a great conspiracy and a single hero, whom everyone was inflated, but he decided to take revenge in the name Moon Justice. Our ward call, relieve Major Fletcher. Its main goal is to clean the city from cybersararanchi of different shapes and sizes. At some point, Fletcher will make himself an injection of nanobots (hello, Hideo Kojima!), and then the plot flywheel will begin to unwind, not that quickly, but in the spirit of all the same Japanese anime about Cyberpank. Betrayal, exposure, change of goals and the transformation of the acting character are attached.
The production, of course, is cheap. It is issued by both disgustingly animated avatars of assistants during negotiations, and inconsistent videos stylized as an interactive comic. The fault of this, of course, is a modest development budget.
U Hard Reset There are great chances not to get lost in the autumn flow of releases. In all, it was necessary to take a time-tested time, but now not a particularly demanded concept of a “meat” shooter, where rage, speed firing and a frantic pace are paramount conditions for obtaining the very, forgotten pleasure. Unfortunately, two unpleasant circumstances can interfere with this: the transientity of the game and the absence of a multiplayer.
Pros: dynamic gameplay, who came to us straight from the 90s;The excellent work of designers and artists-in the local cyberpunk-city, dotted with neon and watered by the rain, you really believe;a suitable and non -straightforward audio ramp;Excellent engine optimization.
Cons: transientity;a small amount of fresh ideas;Lack of multiplayer.